Monday, April 7, 2008

Stingray Leaps Onto Boat, Kills Woman

Judy Kay Zagorski of Pigeon, Mich., died Wednesday after this spotted eagle ray leapt out of the water and struck her face while she was boating with her family off the Florida Keys. The impact, which knocked the 57-year-old backward, likely killed her. She did not appear to have puncture wounds from the stingray's barb.
This is just an insane tragedy that occurs when nature and humans collide. There is nothing to really discuss about this bizarre happening except for the beauty of this animal. Stingrays tend to emerge from the water when they are giving birth, running from a predator, or simply cleaning themselves off. It fascinates me how fate works to think that this woman was just enjoying her day at ease on a boat and this magnificent animal was perhaps trying to escape the grasps of a predator and ended up on this woman's boat. It is a shame that a live had to be lost however it really shows that someone out there as a plan for all the creatures on this planet.

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