Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Home Ransacked After Craigslist Hoax

Dozens of people descended on Robert Salisbury's Oregon home after ads posted on Craigslist Saturday said his belongings -- including his horse -- were free for the taking. But the ads were a hoax. When Salisbury returned home, some people refused to stop taking his things. The Jackson County Sheriff's office is inviting people to return the goods no questions asked. Those who don't, it says, will be "part of the theft case."
I do not understand how people could believe someone would be giving all of their stuff away for free. Not only did people take this man's stuff they refused to stop when he explained that the whole thing was a mistake. These people should be charged with theft and have it on their record, for those who stopped and gave the stuff back should be let free with no consequences. This article scares me into seeing how dumb some people are to believe a post on the internet that makes relatively no sense what so ever, what is happening to the intelligence of our race?

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